Slack api
Slack api

slack api

Before you can use the Slack Attachment (API Token) integration in Looker, you must follow the setup instructions for configuring the integration on the Slack side, provided in the Slack Attachment (API Token) GitHub repo README file.Įnabling the Slack Attachment (API Token) integration in LookerĪfter the integration is set up on the Slack side, a Looker admin must must enable the Slack Attachment (API Token) action in the list of actions on the Actions page in the Admin menu: The integration uses a Slack app with specific permissions called bot token scopes, which govern what parts of your Slack workspace your app can access. You can also send Looker content to Slack when specified thresholds in your data have been met or exceeded. Unlike the Slack action that is offered in the Looker Action Hub, the Slack Attachment (API Token) integration is available for customer-hosted Looker deployments.

slack api

The Slack Attachment (API Token) integration posts an attachment with your Looker data to a Slack channel or direct message (DM). You can schedule recurring or one-off deliveries of Looker content to third-party services that are integrated with Looker through the Looker Action Hub, which implements Looker's Action API and exposes popular integrations - also known as actions - for all Looker users. Save money with our transparent approach to pricing Rapid Assessment & Migration Program (RAMP) Migrate from PaaS: Cloud Foundry, OpenshiftĬOVID-19 Solutions for the Healthcare Industry Creating reference lines for visualizations with visualization menu settings.

Slack api